Facebook is testing a function to stop sending your messages.

<pre><pre>Facebook is testing a function to stop sending your messages.
Did you ever have that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach when you sent a Facebook message that you really should not have sent? Or has he sent the right message, but to the wrong person? Facebook wants to cover your back: you are testing a new feature that gives you a small window for messages that are not sent.
First seen by the experienced tipster Jane Wong, you can press a message for a long time to cancel it, although there will be a limit on the number of messages that you can retract, apparently. We assume that these and other details are still being resolved.
Facebook has not officially said anything about the news, so it is not clear if the functionality will pass to others. However, it is something that Facebook has promised to do previously and can now cancel the transmission of messages on WhatsApp, so it seems that the function will eventually reach everyone.

Deviate or not deviate

Of course, this is something you have been able to do for a while in Gmail, so Facebook is updating the messages that are not sent. It is also recovering from the September attack that left data of up to 30 million users exposed, with details still to be discovered as the information leaked.
Actually, it has not been a great year for Facebook and data security. The ramifications of the Cambridge Analytica scandal continue to reverberate, with WhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton, the latest to encourage users to leave Facebook altogether.
Maybe being able to send messages is enough to entice some users to keep their Facebook accounts active for a little longer, either or they can transfer all their messaging services to Instagram and we can all leave Facebook behind for good at favor a different platform owned by Facebook.


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